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I did a news story on my experience so far with the Rotary International program. Next year, I will leave to go study abroad for an entire year with a host family I do not know. I have no idea where I am going and who I will meet but I could not be more excited for what is to come!

The Group Experience:

Working with my group was quite challenging but I was able to make it through it. As the head of my group, I was in charge and I understood that this would mean a lot of responsibility, but I did not think that it would mean I would have to do everything myself. Johny did a great job filming and this was nice because it made the film look much nicer. I am not the best at being behind the camera because of my lack of experience. Unfortunately I had to interview, be interviewed, set up, plan, and edit the whole thing pretty much by myself. I was able to do this all and I think I did a pretty good job, seeing as it was my first actual project I organized. 


Being interviewed: 

I wrote a script for my interview which originally I thought would be a good idea, but after watching the footage, it looks a little too staged. My answers seem to be way too thought out and I definitely used words that I wouldn't have normally used. My face also appears to have pretty much no emotion. All in all, it is alright and I know what not to do next time. 

Interviewing Mrs. Muench

I learned what not to do during my interview and put it to the test when I was interviewing Mrs. Muench. I made sure it looked more free flow and not as scripted. The interview itself took much longer than I had anticipated but it was alright. It was about 20x longer than it needed to be, but it gave me a lot to edit. 

Setting up:

I did pretty good with the setting up process. I did have a little wait time while filming Mrs. Muench due to an unanticipated need to switch rooms to film in. Mr. Nolan's sub, who had originally said that we could film in his room, had someone taking a test and a room full of people. We ended up filming in Mrs. Emery's room and it all worked out.


I had about 20 minutes of footage that I needed to get down to one minute. This was challenging at first because I felt like everything that was said was important. Once I realized that I was way overcomplicating the whole thing, I was able to cut it down to a minute and 44 seconds. I then, with the help of Mr. Muench was able to cut it down to less than a minute. I also played with the idea of speeding up the footage which I realized was not a good idea, and so did Mr. Muench.  I am currently playing with the b roll and am trying to find places in Manchester that have been involved with Rotary. 

Our whole news story!!!!!!!

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