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Psycho Movie Review

Top 100!!!


Psycho  is a thrilling movie about a young, broke girl from Phoenix. She is having a hard time, being poor, not being able to marry her lover, and working at the same job for 10 years. She eventually gets fed up and when being trusted to bring $40,000 to the bank, she decides to steal it. She plans on bringing it to California in attempt to get to her boyfriends store. Unfortunately, along the way she stops at a sketchy hotel. It is run by a quiet man but there always seems to be something off about him. Eventually we learn that his mother is a psycho and she has full control of her sons life, turning him psycho as well. He ends up killing her because he could not be with her. If he couldn't be with her, no one could. 

The scene I chose to evaluate was the shower scene. I thought this was very interesting because of how the imagery was. There was no speaking which added to the suspense. The scene started with the girl simply showering. She got into the shower before she turned the water on which I thought was weird - a red flag to begin with. Then you see the shadow of the inn owner, he creeps up behind the shower curtain and eventually comes up and pulls it over. This happens in a lot of horror movies. I liked this one especially because It is such an old movie and everything is like the stereotypical "horror movie". 


The scene then continues on with the man slashing her with a knife. I thought it was funny, rather than scary, because there really wasn't any blood and the knife never punctured her. It was simply just screams and classic horror movie music. I also thought the act of pulling the shower curtain down one ring by another was interesting as well. the sound of it falling and unhooking was really cool.


There was also a good use of circles. This creates a good effect. It flashed between her eye, the shower drain, and back again. It was pretty interesting looking. The effect of swirls was cool, it looked really interesting switching from the shower drain with the water swirling full of blood and then to the circle of her eye.  


I really thought that the whole movie all together was really interesting. While I chose to focus on this scene, i thought the way the whole movie was put together was really cool. 


I would highly recommend!!!!


I also really thought that the use of lighting was cool throughout the entire movie. In the basement of the motel, the skeleton of the mother of the hotel owner was shown with a spotlight. I thought this truly created an effect of like wow this is important and its very sketchy. A similar thing was done with the sign of the Bates Motel, it was shown with lightning. The lighning made a flashing effect which also showed that this was going to end badly, like foreshadowing. 


When I first started watching the movie, to be honest, I thought it was going to be boring. But as I kept going, I thought it was really interesting. The way the movie was made, as well as the way the movie had to be made was cool. Because of the time, a lot of the things that were happening wouldn't have been okay to actually say, but it was obviously shown, which was cool. 

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